
Career opportunities during the cost-of-living crisis

Career opportunities during the cost-of-living crisis Listing Image

Given the uncertainties of the last three years, it’s understandable that employees might be reluctant to search for a new role. Whilst no job is 100% guaranteed or secure, the ‘first in, first out’ policy adopted by many businesses over the pandemic adds a level of risk that many are just not willing to take.

The current cost-of-living crisis has further increased the desire for financial security. With inflation rising, employees may feel the need to hold onto their current jobs. They want to ensure they have a steady income and can continue to make ends meet, especially if there’s an economic recession and financial crisis looming on the horizon.

The travel industry renaissance

Whilst we cannot speak for other industries, we can say with certainty that there are plenty of career opportunities during the cost-of-living crisis in travel. The industry is booming, with several big-name operators reporting significant growth on pre-pandemic/2019 sales. Some even reported all-time record-breaking sales. Travel Counsellors reported its best January since the company began 28 years ago. Barrhead Travel claimed its ‘best ever sales day’ on the 28th of January, with Sales and Marketing Director Nicki Tempest-Mitchell commenting, “Sales have been fantastic, and I can’t remember a time where the appetite for travel was so high”. 

The 2023 ABTA Travel Trends report found that people are 36% more likely to book with a travel professional now than before the pandemic. Just this week, Travel Weekly revealed the results of the Post Office Travel Holiday Money Report, which found that holidaymakers rate overseas trips as their biggest priority after paying for food and other essential bills. Travel is back with a bang.

New opportunities

If you are unhappy in your current role in travel, there has never been a better time to make a change. Not only are more roles available to candidates than ever before, but much of the industry is realising that pre-pandemic working conditions and compensation packages are no longer acceptable. If you find yourself less-than-satisfied with your current salary offering, a move might be exactly what you need to achieve more financial security and a better work-life balance.

Search with support 

Searching for a new role can seem overwhelming at any time, let alone in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis. That’s where Ambitions Travel Recruitment can help. There’s nothing to lose from discussing your options with a travel industry recruitment expert. And should you wish to start the exciting process of looking for your next opportunity, we have plenty of experience and resources to help you every step of the way.

To get started, head over to our website and register your CV. You can also sign up for job alerts so that you’ll be the first to know about any new opportunities.

We’ve also launched our ‘Essential Interview Checklist’ – a complete and comprehensive guide to everything you should consider before, during, and after job interviews. Before you leave the website, make sure to request this.

If you’re worried about the job market or concerned about navigating the job search process on your own, worry no more. We’ve got your back!

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